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54 Articles
13 Articles
The Daubert Standard
What is an air blank?
How does alcohol get into your breath?
How long does mouth alcohol last?
Seven Key Facts About Alcohol Intoxication
14 Articles
What unit of measurement is used to measure breath alcohol concentration?
How long after drinking alcohol can we detect it with a breath alcohol tester?
Will mouthwash interfere with the results of a breath alcohol test?
Are there ways to fool a drug test or breath alcohol test?
Can an employee be fired for refusing to take an alcohol test at work?
How long after drinking alcohol can we detect it with a breath alcohol tester?
Will mouthwash interfere with the results of a breath alcohol test?
The Daubert Standard
Are there ways to fool a drug test or breath alcohol test?
What is an air blank?
454 Articles
174 Articles
§ 40.33 What training requirements must a DOT drug testing collector meet?
§ 40.83 How do laboratories process incoming specimens?
Who is qualified to act as an MRO?
What does the MRO do when a drug test specimen is rejected for testing?
What happens when an employee does not provide a sufficient amount of urine for a drug test?
19 Articles
General FAQ
Does a simulator meet Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements to do accuracy checks and calibration adjustments on an evidential breath tester?
When doing a DOT specimen collection when is it appropriate to check the “Other” box for reasons for test on the Federal CCF form?
Who May Perform a DOT Alcohol Test?
What is the CDL Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse?
Must a BAT or STT receive refresher training?
34 Articles
Part 40 Questions and Answers
May the previous employer delay sending an employee’s drug and alcohol testing information to the gaining employer pending payment for the cost of the information?
Is error correction training required if an alcohol test is cancelled due to equipment failure?
If an applicant admits to testing positive within the past two years, must the applicant be held out of safety-sensitive duties if he or she did not complete the return-to-duty process?
May an employer conduct follow-up testing under company authority that goes beyond the follow-up testing which the SAP determines necessary?
May an employer conduct pre-employment alcohol testing?
§ 40.33 What training requirements must a DOT drug testing collector meet?
§ 40.83 How do laboratories process incoming specimens?
Who is qualified to act as an MRO?
What does the MRO do when a drug test specimen is rejected for testing?
What happens when an employee does not provide a sufficient amount of urine for a drug test?
32 Articles
6 Articles
Drug Abuse at Highest Level in Nearly a Decade
Many Patients Still Receive Lower Than Recommended Methadone Doses
Marijuana Detection Time Shorter Than Previously Assumed
How long can drugs and alcohol be detected in urine?
Urine alcohol concentration (UAC) considerations
10 Articles
What are synthetic cannabinoids?
How are synthetic cannabinoids being used?
How long after ingesting drugs can the drug use be detected with a urine drug screen test? (How soon after using drugs can a urine drug screen detect the drug?)
Will exposure to passive marijuana smoke result in a positive marijuana test?
Will eating poppy seeds on a roll or in bread result in positive opiate test?
2017 CPT Code for Instant Drug Testing Kits
Why Should I Drug Test for Klonopin or Clonazepam?
Drug Abuse at Highest Level in Nearly a Decade
Many Patients Still Receive Lower Than Recommended Methadone Doses
Marijuana Detection Time Shorter Than Previously Assumed
2 Articles
1 Article
Law Enforcement
Before starting a PIE proceeding, does the initiating official give the service agent an opportunity to correct problems?
Before starting a PIE proceeding, does the initiating official give the service agent an opportunity to correct problems?
18 Articles
AlcoPro.com Website
5 Articles
Knowledge Base Search Tips
Using Parenthesis to Group the Search Logic
Using Phrases to Narrow Search Results
Using the Logical Operator OR
Using the Logical Operator AND
Using the Logical Operator NOT
4 Articles
Shopping Cart & Ordering Information
AlcoPro.com Version 6.1: The Long Story
Can I place an order using an international credit card?
Can I order on-line for shipping outside the USA?
Does AlcoPro offer any products on a GSA Schedule?
Using Parenthesis to Group the Search Logic
Using Phrases to Narrow Search Results
Using the Logical Operator OR
Using the Logical Operator AND
Using the Logical Operator NOT
96 Articles
Product Questions
44 Articles
Alcohol Testing Products
How long can I leave my RBT IV battery charging?
What software is available to download the memory of my Breath Alcohol Instruments?
What kind of batteries should I use in my Alco-Sensor?
Which Intoximeters Breath Alcohol Instruments store test results in memory?
How do you dump the memory in the RBT IV to a computer?
8 Articles
Drug Testing Products
How accurate are drug screening kits which you can perform yourself?
Is there a breath or saliva test available for detecting drugs of abuse?
As a parent can I purchase Drug Testing kits to test my children?
Training videos & Certification exam
What are drug metabolites?
How long can I leave my RBT IV battery charging?
What software is available to download the memory of my Breath Alcohol Instruments?
What kind of batteries should I use in my Alco-Sensor?
Which Intoximeters Breath Alcohol Instruments store test results in memory?
How do you dump the memory in the RBT IV to a computer?
14 Articles
Instructional Videos
Alco-Sensor III Accuracy Check Video
Alco-Sensor FST Accuracy Check Video
Alco-Sensor IV with Memory Accuracy Check Video
Alco-Sensor IV Accuracy Check Video
Alco-Sensor IV Calibration Adjustment Video