Manufacturers of DOT breath alcohol testing instruments are required to write a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for each instrument that is approved for DOT alcohol testing. Manufacturers submit their QAP to DOT for approval.
The Quality Assurance Plan specifies how the user will maintain each instrument in accurate working condition. Specifically, the Quality Assurance Plan spells out how often the user must perform Accuracy Checks, the acceptable tolerance for Accuracy Checks, when Calibration Adjustments must be performed, and what calibration standards may be used when performing Accuracy Checks and Calibration Adjustments. The QAP also describes any additional procedures to maintain the instrument in good condition.
The Quality Assurance Plans for all Intoximeter instruments are very similar. (Click here to see the QAP for the RBT IV instrument.) The QAP for every Intoximeter instrument states “It is highly recommended that the instrument be inspected by a certified technician at least once every two years in service.” During the factory recertification process technicians inspect each instrument to ensure optimum working condition, install appropriate hardware and firmware upgrades, and adjust all internal settings to strict factory specifications. All instruments also receive ISO 17025 Calibration Certification. As noted above, Intoximeter now offers a two year warranty on Factory Recertifications.
All students in AlcoPro’s BAT classes receive training on the contents of the Quality Assurance Plan.