Alco-Sensor Troubleshooting

Alco-Sensor Troubleshooting

Here are some common Alco-Sensor error codes and troubleshooting techniques to get you back up and running. We recommend trying some of these techniques before sending your Alco-Sensor breath alcohol instrument in for repairs.

Alco-Sensor, Alco-Sensor III

SymptomCauseTest ProcedureSolution
Display .888Low BatteryPress and hold READ button, observe displayReplace with fresh Alkaline battery
Display has missing digit(s) and/or missing segment(s) in digit(s)IC(s) on circuit board have become unseatedPress and hold READ button, observe displaySend to AlcoPro for evaluation
Calibration screw does not workUsing previous version calibration procedure for new version instrumentMouthpiece ejector button = new version instrumentuse correct calibration instructions
Calibration screw does not workCalibration screw is brokenIn correct calibration mode, numbers do not change turning screwSend to AlcoPro for evaluation

Alco-Sensor IV (Any Dot Color)

SymptomCauseTest ProcedureSolution
Display “BAT”Low BatteryInsert mouthpiece, observe displayReplace with fresh Alkaline battery
Keeps recycling back to temperature or temperature stays on and will not go to “TEST”Low BatteryInsert mouthpiece, observe displayReplace with fresh Alkaline battery
Display “V004,” do not hear ‘click’ when taking sampleUnit not taking sampleInsert mouthpiece, press MANUAL button when “TEST” flashes, observe displaySend to AlcoPro for evaluation
Unit will not perform test will only display “V014”Voided sample analysisInsert mouthpiece, blow into mouthpiece when “TEST” flashes, observe displayRecalibrate unit. If recalibration does not work, Send to AlcoPro for evaluation
Display flashing “MAN” instead of “TEST”, unit will operate only when using ‘Manual’ button will not auto sampleBreath Thermistor is not operatingInsert mouthpiece, observe displaySend to AlcoPro for evaluation
Displays “+” and “NoGo” without a sample being blown May, intermittently, take sample normallyBreath Thermistor is not operating correctlyInsert mouthpiece, observe displaySend to AlcoPro for evaluation
Not holding calibration or peak time is over 1 minuteFuel cell may be weakPerform accuracy check, noting result and time it takes to display resultSend to AlcoPro for evaluation

Alco-Sensor IV w/Memory black dot

SymptomCauseTest ProcedureSolution
Display “Mem Full”Internal memory fullInsert mouthpiece, observe displayUpload memory (if necessary), then erase memory. Click here for instructions.
Printing incorrectlyPrinter settingPerform test and print resultsChange printer setting from P1 to P2 or vice versa. Click here for instructions.
Date/Time incorrect on printoutsMemory ErrorPerform test, observe Time/Date on initial display AND printoutSet Year to an incorrect year, complete menu, go back into Time/Date set, then reenter correct year. Click here for instructions

Alco-Sensor RBT IV

SymptomCauseTest ProcedureSolution
Incorrect Time/DateTime/Date not updatedTurn on RBT printer, observe Time/DateSet Timeand Date according to procedures outlined in manual. See Instructions
Will not printLow charge on 12volt batteryPerform Last Test on printerPlug AC charger into RBTIV case and electrical outlet overnight. Replace battery if necessary.
RBT printer displays Memory FullRBT IV memory is fullTurn RBT printer on, press START button to begin a test sequence, observe displayErase RBT memory.
See Instructions
RBT printer displays Dump and EraseRBT IV memory is almost fullTurn RBT printer on, press START button to begin a test sequence, observe displayErase RBT memory.
See Instructions

Alco-Sensor FST

SymptomCauseTest ProcedureSolution
Display “bAt”Low batteryTurn instrument on, observe displayReplace batteries with two fresh AA Alkaline batteries
Does not sample Dry Gas automatically when doing Accuracy CheckUsing 1.5 LPM regulatorNote 1.5 LPM label on regulatorPress ON button for Manual Sample when performing Accuracy Check.

Click here for instructions.

(Only regulators marked as 6 LPM flow rate will produce automatic sample for Accuracy Checks.)

Instrument does not turn on when pressing ON buttonON button brokenPress and hold ON button with trigger finger, observe displaySend to AlcoPro for evaluation

Tank and Regulator

SymptomCauseTest ProcedureSolution
Regulator gauge reads 900 psi or greaterFull gas tankObserve regulator gaugeGas tank is full and ready to use