Alco-Sensor Buy Back Plan

Alco-Sensor Buy Back Plan

AlcoPro will either buy-back or offer a trade-in credit for your Alco-Sensor device.  The following Alco-Sensor devices qualify for our Buy Back program:

  • Alco-Sensor FST
  • Alco-Sensor VXL
  • RBTV systems
  • RBT IV systems

We will give you a trade-in credit on your account for these instruments:

  • Alco-Sensor III
  • Alco-Sensor IV
  • Alcomonitor CC

To receive a Buy Back offer or trade-in credit, please take these steps:

  • Fill out and send the Buy Back Form along with your Alco-Sensor to AlcoPro.
  • Our technician will evaluate your instrument(s) and make you an offer.
  • If you decline our offer, we will send your instrument back to you at our expense, provided you are located in the contiguous U.S. (returned instruments outside of the contiguous U.S. will require pre-payment for shipping back to you)
  • The offer we make to buy back your Alco-Sensor breath alcohol instrument is good for trade-in credit towards the purchase of a new instrument or supplies.  Or you can choose to receive a check, which we will process within two weeks of your request.

Alco-Sensor Buy Back Form


Q. Which Alco-Sensor instruments do you buy back?
A. We buy back:

  • Alco-Sensor FST
  • Alco-Sensor VXL
  • RBTV

Q. Do you buy back instruments from manufacturers other than Intoximeters?
A. Not usually but it’s possible. Please call before you send an instrument from another manufacturer.

Q. What do you do with the instruments you buy back?
A. It depends on the age of the instrument. We junk the older instruments for parts, and we refurbish the instruments that still have some life in them.

Q. Where do I ship my Alco-Sensor for your evaluation?
A. Our shipping address and instructions can be located on the Repair / Buy Back Form or:

AlcoPro, Inc.

Attn: Buy Back Plan
1626 Downtown West Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37919