(a) As the laboratory responsible for testing the split specimen, you must report split specimen test results by checking the “Reconfirmed” box or the “Failed to Reconfirm” box (Step 5(b)) on Copy 1 of the CCF.
(b) If you check the “Failed to Reconfirm” box, one of the following statements must be included (as appropriate) on the “Reason” line (Step 5(b)):
(1) “Drug(s)/Drug Metabolite(s) Not Detected.”
(2) “Adulterant not found within criteria.”
(3) “Specimen not consistent with substitution criteria [specify creatinine, specific gravity, or both]”
(4) “Specimen not available for testing.”
(c) As the laboratory certifying scientist, enter your name, sign, and date the CCF.