FMCSA Random Drug Testing Rate Lowered for 2016
On December 21, 2015, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced the lowering of the required 2016 testing rate for random drug testing from 50% to 25% of the average number of driver positions.
For 3 consecutive years the positive rate for controlled substances, as reported in FMCSA’s Management Information System (MIS) for random testing, fell below 1.0 percent. This downward trend resulted in the agency lowering the controlled substances minimum annual percentage rate for random testing.
The random alcohol testing rate for FMCSA covered employees will remain the same at 10%.
The change will reduce drug testing costs for companies falling under the FMCSA, allowing them to re-appropriate funds to other areas of their business.
The new random drug testing rate will coincide with other regulated DOT agencies (FAA, FRA, FTA, PHMSA and USCG). You can view the updated mandated testing rate on the ODAPC website.
Information on how the FMCSA Administrator determines random testing rates can be located in 49 CFR Part 382.305.