Breath Alcohol Technician Instructor Training
With AlcoPro’s online Breath Alcohol Technician Instructor training you will receive your:
- BAT certificate
- BAT Instructor certificate
- Calibration Technician certificate
This online training course was developed and taught by instructors with more than 25-years training and in-the-field testing experience.
Showing all 4 results
Online Breath Alcohol Technician Instructor Training: Alco-Sensor IV/RBT IV
$ 1,425.00SKU#: BAT-INSOLRBTIVOnline BAT Instructor Training: Alco-Sensor IV/RBTIV Upon successful course completion students
Online Breath Alcohol Technician Instructor Training: Alco-Sensor RBT VXL
$ 1,425.00SKU#: BAT-INSOLRBTVOnline BAT Instructor Training: Alco-Sensor VXL/RBT VXL Upon successful course completion
Online Breath Alcohol Technician Instructor Training: Alco-Sensor IV with Memory
$ 1,425.00SKU#: BAT-INSOLASIVWMEMOnline BAT Instructor Training: Alco-Sensor IV with Memory Upon successful course
Online Breath Alcohol Technician Instructor Training: AMCC
$ 1,425.00SKU#: BAT-INSOLAMCCOnline BAT Instructor Training: AMCC Upon successful course completion students will