Alco-Sensor IV for Law Enforcement
The Alco-Sensor IV for Law Enforcement and Corrections industries is the most economical, hand-held breath tester available, and is:
- Approved by the U.S. DOT as an evidential breath alcohol testing device
- Widely used by Law Enforcement and Correction facilities as a PBT (Preliminary Breath Tester)
- Evidential accuracy exceeds +/- .005 at .100 BrAC
- Alco-Sensor IV monitors a subjects breath and performs a test only when the subject delivers a continuous deep breath sample
- Operator can manually override the automatic breath sample feature to test subjects with shy lung or who are uncooperative
- LED display messages guide the operator through the test procedure, greatly reducing operator error
- Displays test results as a three-digit number
- More precise, accurate results
- Able to connect to an RBT IV printer to give a printed record of test results
- One year factory warranty
We are the only company authorized to provide technical support and repair services…so you get continued support well after the sale.
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