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Non-Regulated Testing: What To Do?

Non-Regulated Testing:  What To Do? 

Most collection sites perform a combination of DOT collections and non-DOT collections.  Collection site personnel typically follow the DOT protocol when doing non-DOT testing.  But what to do when the employer of a non-regulated employee wants you to do something different than the DOT protocol? 


For example, an employee taking a non-DOT test cannot produce a sufficient specimen after going through the shy bladder routine.  You report the insufficient specimen to the employer.  But instead of referring the employee to a physician for examination, the employer directs the employee to come back to you the next day to attempt the test again.  This contradicts the DOT protocol.  What do you do?


Our answer:  A proactive collection site will have already discussed the employer’s policy when they signed up as a customer, and will have suggested modifications to the company policy that are not best practices.  The bottom line is that a company can set their own policy for non-regulated employees as long as they also abide by any state regulations or other rules that may apply.  Their policy may contradict DOT protocol.  Collection site personnel will certainly want to question the employer if they are asked to do something that contradicts the employer’s own policy.  But the employer has the right to implement a policy that contradicts the DOT protocol.


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