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AlcoPro Announces Impairment Science, Inc. Partnership

Druid and Druid Enterprise cognitive impairment technology

AlcoPro to offer DRUID® impairment technology to their customers.

Knoxville, TN; May 28, 2024 – AlcoPro, the highly-regarded supplier of premium drug and alcohol testing products and training solutions, and Impairment Science, Inc., developer and provider of the DRUID® fitness-for-duty app, announce a strategic partnership designed to help employers assess employee cognitive and motor impairment and mitigate its risks in the workplace.

Impairment Science, Inc.’s patent-pending, neuroscience-based DRUID technology is a powerful tool that detects and measures cognitive and psychomotor impairment due to any cause. It provides a way for businesses to assess an employee’s readiness or fitness for duty, reduces financial impacts, and protects workplace safety. Impairment can be associated with substance abuse, fatigue, stress, chronic medical factors, and environmental factors (such as extreme heat). In a one-minute test, DRUID assesses key neurophysiological indicators such as reaction time, hand-eye coordination, balance, and decision-making. With DRUID, employers can detect, measure, and report how well or how poorly their employees’ minds and bodies are doing if impaired.

Partnership Objectives

For more than 40 years AlcoPro has supplied a wide range of drug and alcohol testing products to the workplace testing market. The partnership with Impairment Sciences, Inc. gives AlcoPro another solution to offer employers who are battling the effects of substance abuse, mental health, and stress in the workplace. Under the agreement, AlcoPro will consult with businesses and industries in the U.S. and license DRUID to employers who want to add proactive impairment detection strategies to their operations.

“AlcoPro’s extensive experience in workplace testing, now coupled with Druid’s leading impairment detection technology, will give employers a new window into their workforce’s readiness for duty, reducing accidents, injury, losses, and costs, and improving productivity.” – Rob Schiller, CEO, Impairment Science, Inc.

“We are excited to partner with Impairment Science and expand our business beyond the sale of physical testing tools to technologies designed to proactively mitigate workplace injuries and bolster employee safety.” – Sam Smith, President AlcoPro

About AlcoPro
AlcoPro has been a trusted provider of drug and alcohol testing solutions for more than 40 years. Our solutions are designed to help employers, healthcare and testing professionals, law enforcement, and substance abuse professionals conduct testing with greater ease and confidence. Our focus is on workplace testing, and our line of breathalyzers are the most reliable testing devices available in the market. Our online training uses interactive elements, scenarios, and games to fortify knowledge retention and practice. Learn more about our products and services at

About Impairment Science, Inc.
Impairment Science, Inc. (ISI) applies neuroscience research to detect and measure cognitive and psychomotor impairment from any cause. With the company’s DRUID app and data platform, employers can assess employees’ fitness for duty from any mobile device. Backed by multiple independent, published, peer-reviewed scientific studies, DRUID is the only technology proven to detect impairment from cannabis. Leading organizations in construction, manufacturing, mining, public safety, and transportation rely on DRUID to expand their ability to perceive and correct risks posed by impaired employees. Learn more at

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